Donate Bitcoin to this address
Bitcoin を以下のアドレスへ贈る
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Bitcoin.
Donate Ethereum to this address
Ethereum を以下のアドレスへ贈る
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Ethereum.

Thank you for considering making a donation using cryptocurrency!
How wonderful it would be if we could receive your kindness as Bitcoin or Ethereum.
However, there is just one thing that is unfortunate. That is, cryptocurrency transactions in general are anonymous. We have no way of knowing what kind of person you are, your name or your character.
However, we vow to express the same gratitude and respect to you as we extend to all donors.
Displayed above is the information of the wallet we manage.
Please send your donation to us by scanning the QR code or copying the displayed address into your wallet/remittance account.
Of course, any amount is fine. In fact, cryptocurrency’s intrinsic worth is in the payment of a small amount. Please make your donations casually!